奧米技研有限公司 omni-nano 討論區索引
     composite insulator age overview

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張貼者 討論串
張貼於: 2012/10/9 9:57
註冊日: 2012/10/9
張貼數: 10
composite insulator age overview
composite insulator age overview

composite insulator age overview

Reliability is the most important property of an insulator whether it is a polymeric (composite) insulator or ceramic one. The reliability of an insulator depends upon its electrical and mechanical strengths. With the advent of modern manufacturing, mechanical molding and fixture technique, the mechanical strength is quite reliable. However the electrical strength over decades is not fully guaranteed. The modern style polymeric insulators were introduced about 25 years ago with most recent version about 13 years ago. The reason for this was not failure of ceramic insulators, but the other benefits such as 90% weight reduction, better pollution performance and low associated costs of polymeric insulators over ceramic ones.

Experience of outdoor insulation started from the introduction of telegraphic lines. The pin and cap type insulators have been used since the last quarter of the 18th century. These insulators are very reliable. Glass and porcelain insulators were the only type available before the introduction of newer polymeric insulators and thus had fully ruled over the market till late second half of the 20th century. The Composite insulator has a fiber rod structure covered with weather resistant rubbers and fillers and fitted with end fittings. Such a type of insulator is also called composite insulator.

The most critical thing to be considered in outdoor insulators is the interface between the solid insulting body and the surrounding air. The problem appears at the interface because it is the interfering point of air and the solid insulator. This problem arises due to the effects of pollution, rain, dust, salt, corona, arcing over surfaces, nitric acid in air, etc.

These things increase the leakage current and deteriorate its performance. Surfaces of insulating bodies were therefore coated with glazed material for glass and porcelain insulators, and organic or semi-organic polymer rubbers for composite insulators.

A typical composite insulator is composed of a glass fiber reinforced (GFR) epoxy or polyester core (rod), attached with metal end-fittings. This is the load bearing structure. GFR plastics are mechanically very strong but are not able to bear the outdoor environmental effects. The presence of dirt and moisture in combination with electrical stress causes the material to degrade by tracking and erosion. So the rod is covered by a coating that protects it from outside stresses such as rain, salt, fog, pollution, etc. This coating is referred to as housing.

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主旨 張貼者 日期
 » composite insulator age overview ma1o01 2012/10/9 9:57
     chenyingying20170905 chenyingyi 2017/9/5 14:50
     201711.18wengdongdong meiqing 2017/11/18 9:07
     jianbin1120 meiqing 2017/11/20 12:42
     Re: chenjinyan meiqing 2017/12/23 9:51
     Re: composite insulator age overview liuchunkai 2018/1/10 16:01
     Re: composite insulator age overview kailey 2018/2/1 15:15
     jianbin0205 liuchunkai 2018/2/5 10:03
     yolo meiqing 2019/5/9 9:50




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